Diving at a new spot always make me nervous. It was something like how I recall when I first plunged myself into TARP’s water. Meeting new dive crews, getting myself comfortable and trying to get all this excitement processed at the same time was very interesting. Joanne had groups going to Usukan Bay Wrecks and invited me to come along. I always wanted to dive wreck and given this chance, I didn’t hesitate at all. It was my first wreck and like a virgin, touch for the very first time. The WW2 wrecks are known locally as the ‘The Rice Bowl Wreck’, ‘Upside Down Wreck’ and the ‘Usukan Bay Wreck’. All of these wrecks lie in 26 to 42 metres below surface. I had the chance to explore The Rice Bowl Wreck.
The night before the trip, I couldn’t sleep well because of the excitement. I have seen many pictures and nice video shots of the wreck and when I realized that I am going to dive and see her the next day, the feeling was as almost as seeing your other half naked for the first time.
Morning call, it was 07:00 when the alarm hit. I had all my things ready the night before so I will not rushed before going off. After a nice hot coffee and delicious salad sandwich for breakfast, I was ready to start my day.
I met with Borneo Dream crew at Jesselton Point around 8 in the morning. The team had amazing dive professionals. This was actually my second time diving with them after the Pulau Tiga trip and I am always happy to be greeted with smiling faces.
The journey was about an hour to the site (35nm north of KK) with their RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat). Sea and whether condition was great. Everything was in order and my heart was pounding.

Billy & Richard preparing the shade

"Let us help you guys out!"
The site was quiet and we hardly see anybody else around the area besides local fishermen from nearby village.

Looking for the wreck wasn't that hard for this happy team. They had cool navigation system: GPS Plotter, Sounder and Sidescan Sonar attached to their RIB. Felt like traveling with Batman.

To dive at Usukan Wrecks, divers need to have PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification or similar and with experience. I was given a free NITROX short briefed as part of my wreck diving and used EANx30.

Soon after the anchor was dropped to mark the site, Billy geared up to tie a safety line all the way down to the wreck. While waiting for him, we tried to throw Richard away to the open sea and planned on hijacking the RIB. Haha!
Just kidding. Our friendly professional dive guide, Mr. Richard, assisted us with the equipments.

Mr. Billy on Rebreather

"I'm ready"

"Je suis prĂȘt"
About 10 - 15 minutes later, Billy surfaced up and gave us the okay signal to go down. It's time to rock & roll!
I had slight fever few days ago before the trip and going down was not easy. Every inches I went, the pain in my ear was so unbearable. I signaled to Richard our guide to just carry on and don't wait for me. There at 5m and alone, I was waiting for the pressure in my ear to go away. Tried to equalized and go down slowly but only tears came out.
"There is no way I'm going to miss this", I uttered in my head
Luck, luck. Suddenly, one giant force busted out from my ear. The sound of relieve put a smile on my tired face.
Shotline tied by Billy all the way down to 30 - 35m deep
As I slowly went down with only the line as my guide, the wreck's silhouette slowly building up. And oh my, she's freaking huge! I could see Billy was waiting for and I signaled him I am fine. I released my hand from the line and I just hover and witnessed the best damn thing ever. For a moment, I just couldn't decide what to do. Should I take pictures or just stare at her. Stunning soft coral gardens and hard corals are all over her body. She had die hard fans swimming all around: schooling Barracuda, large Groupers, Yellow Snappers, Fusiliers, etc. There were even 3 - 6 giant Trevally below 35m.

Richard & his buddy
Colourized shot
I swam in loneliness and looking at her lying at the bottom. Her death made her freeze in time and welcome every walks of life to ponder upon her beauty.
"Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again.."
..a song from The Cure was playing in my head.
I just didn't bother to follow Richard though he tried to show me some interesting marine life. Well, there will be some point in your diving trip that you just wanted to be free and see things through your own eyes. But don't get left behind and make sure you know where your buddies are.

The wreck known as Rice Bowl wreck, was torpedoed by USS Dace (Lt.Cdr. B.D. Claggett) on October 14th 1944. Resting position: Upright Length: approx.150m Tonnage: approx.7000 Surface to Deck: 28m Surface to Bottom: 36m

You may find slight surface current between 3m - 10m and that is when the shotline comes in use but once you are down at the wreck, superb viz all the way to 38m and zero current.